Urgent task for the industry

Participants of the Saint-Petersburg international gas forum discussed the issues of corporate compliance.
Dmitriy Luts, the Head of Compliance Department of Metafrax Group took part in the XII Saint-Petersburg international gas forum. The forum is one of the major industry events, uniting thousands of professionals in the field of gas extraction and processing. In this regard, the attention within this forum is paid to the «narrow» tasks, also on such a relevant topic for the industry as compliance.
Panel discussion “Corporate compliance system: new drivers of efficiency and work with stakeholders” was held at the forum platform on 31st of October. Representatives of SIBUR, NOVATEC, AIM HOLDING, Tatenergo companies, and also consulting specialists and scientists particiated in the discussion. Topical issues related to the compliance sphere were considered, such as digitalization of processes, training of employees, organization of hotline for dealing with appeals, change of the overall approach to the organization of compliance.
- We managed to share the experience, practical examples and to learn the nuances of each other’s work during the discussion. At the same time, at the end of the discussion colleagues agreed that the principles of transparency, compliance of internal regulations and requirements, the overall high ethical standard in the company are contributing to the sustainable development of the companies and these are an integral part of the ESG agenda, - Dmitriy Luts noted.