Armen Garslyan: Successful practices of university interaction with industrial enterprises need to be replicated

A meeting of the Supervisory Board of the traditional partner of Metafrax, Perm State National Research University, was held in Perm. Under the chairmanship ofthe Governor,Dmitry Makhonin, the meeting participants reviewed the issues of reconstruction of the university campus, agreed on the plan of financial and economic activities of the university for 2024, reviewed the concept of the development strategy of theuniversityuntil 2035.
In the coming yearsthe university plans to develop the areas of photonics, microelectronics, technologies for reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment, as well as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, biomedicine, data transmission processing technologies and geoinformation technologies. According to Dmitry Makhonin, Perm universities and research centers are currently facing the task of developing oftheir own innovative products,demanded by the real sector of the economy.
- It is necessary to adjust approaches to the university's development strategy in the horizon up to 2035. It is important that the research and educational potential of the universityto work for the development of the industrial sector of the region, - said the head of the region.
- The University does not live in a vacuum, it is actively involved in the life of the country and the region, it responds to the most difficult challenges of our time. The goal that we are all moving towards together is to introduce the results of scientific research and new technologies into the real sector of the Kama region economy. I am glad that on this path we see real support from the Governor of the Perm Region, Dmitry Makhonin and his team," said Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kama region, First Deputy Secretary of the regional branch of the "Yedinaja Rossia"Party, Armen Garslyan.
Armen Garslyan cited as a successful example the systematic cooperation of Metafrax Group withthe Perm State National Research University in the educational, scientific, innovative and information spheres. Previously, only three faculties were involved in this work: Chemistry, Economics and Law. In 2023, thanks to the holding of a Summer School a the territory of the Kizel coal basinwithin the framework of the Priority 2030 program, sociologists, political scientists, geographers, ecologists, historians, geologists, biologists and young managers were included in the work.
- I believe that such successful practices of interaction between the university and industrial enterprises need to be developed and replicated, which will helpjointly tofind a solution of the issueof shortage of highly qualified personnel, and will also contribute to the integration of the latest developments of scientists into the economy of the region. We hope that the university will continue to take an active part in federal projects and programs aimed at solving these issues,"highlighted Armen Garslyan.
Following the meeting, Dmitry Makhonin set the taskfor the universityto study the results of work for the realisationof the federal program on development of higher education "Priority 2030", prepare an application and achieve a return to the project. The members of the council also recommended the candidacy of Igor Germanov to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for appointment to the post of rector of the university. Further, the issue of approval will bereviewedby the federal agency.