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"Ballet at sunset-2023" will be held in Gubakha on July 1st

The twelfth theater festival "Mysteries of Krestovaya mountain" will be opened on July 1st

In Gubakha, a meeting of the organizing committee of the festival "Mysteries of Krestovaya Mountain", which is held with the support of "Metafrax Group" and the government of the Perm Territory, took place. The meeting participants decided that the twelfth festival this year will be opened on the first Saturday of July. The opening will take place at sunset on the Krestovaya Mountain of the Rudyansky mountain range.

- This is a unique combination of the beauty of nature and art, - said the Minister of Cultural Affairs of the Perm Region, Mrs. Alla Platonova. - For me, this is a special story, connected with the memories of the very first festival, in which the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater participated. Then it was a completely new territory, unknown to me, and now it is one of the main cultural and tourist brands of the region.

Information about the program and tickets will appear closer to the event on the Dominanta Youth Theater website. Details will be announced in the spring at a press conference.

- It is important that the festival will be included in the program of celebrating the 300th anniversary of Perm. We believe that ideologically, in terms of its meaning, it must necessarily touch on this topic as it is significant for the entire region, - Mrs. Maria Konovalova, Chairman of the organizing committee of the festival, Director of strategic communications at Metafrax Group, emphasizes.

"Secrets of Mount Krestovaya" - theatrical landscape festival. It has been held with the support of Metafrax since 2012 in Gubakha. Over the past years, more than 80 thousand people have become spectators of the festival. The online audience exceeded 250 thousand people. For holding the festival, Metafrax Chemicals JSC in 2022 received the award of the regional competition "Leader of the Perm Territory" in the nomination "Tourism". Performances on Krestovaya Mountain were shown by the P. I. Tchaikovsky Perm Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, by the Moscow Alexei Rybnikov Theater, the Evgeny Panfilov Ballet Theater, the Perm Academic Theater-Theatre, the Bashkir Opera and Ballet Theater.

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