Business is waiting for restart of state support tools that proved the effectiveness

Representatives of “Metafrax Group” participated in the National Industrial Forum. The event was held on the 6th of December in Moscow and supported by Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) and by Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
The forum aim was the position building of industrial plants regarding key points for national project implementation and industrial policy of Russia in general, defining of legislation improvement vector related to state support for national industry. PJSC Metafrax has positive experience to use current mechanisms of state support. Subsidies for partial loan interest refund and subsidies for railway tank purchase were received. Costs for staff training within framework of national project “Labor productivity and local employment support” were reimbursed, two special investment contracts (SPIC) with total investment amount of more than 80 billion rubles were signed. Receiving of concessional loan in Industrial Development Fund and signing of agreement with Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation for implementation of Corporate Competitiveness Enhancement Program (CCEP) are at the final stage. Delegates of “Metafrax Group” came to the forum with specific proposals how to improve the current legislation.
At interdisciplinary session “State support measures of industrial companies”, General Director Deputy for Economics and Finance of “Metafrax Trading” LLC Oleg Gordienko came up with proposals related to practical implementation of state support mechanisms. Particularly, he raised the question about guarantee saving of current SPICs in case of changes in local legislation, and he also proposed to develop the mechanisms, how to put updates in current CCEPs. «The current situation with global prices on methanol and other chemicals informs us that in upcoming years there will be a decrease of trading volume, including export due to the price decrease. In this conditions it’s reasonable to foresee in legislation the mechanisms of CCEP updates, considering market condition” , - said Oleg Gordienko.
Except this, he proposed to foresee a possibility of concessional loan provision for development and manufacturing of equipment pioneer batches produced as per Russian technologies, he highlighted the necessity of railway infrastructure development and construction of port terminals to perform tasks for national project “International cooperation and export”
The practical forum result will be a proposal formation for the Government of the Russian Federation, how to ensure the industrial company participation in national project implementation. The RUIE President Aleksandr Shokhin highlighted that business is looking forward to restart tools that proved the effectiveness.
«Program of company supports that implement corporate programs of competitiveness increase has been started recently, but it raised quite a big interest for business. But this institute need to be adjusted considering identified problems (technical as well as system ones) and we shouldn’t be limited by performed selection only. In general, we need to think about going beyond 2024 that is regarded as decisive year for many supporting tools”, - said Aleksandr Shokhin.
More than 800 delegates guest participated in the National Industrial Forum: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation management, State Duma deputies, leaders of branch unions and associations, management of federal and regional development institutes, proprietors and top-managers of leading industrial companies related to metallurgic complex, shipbuilding, chemical, telecommunication and pharmaceutical companies.