To be engaged in a common cause

Top managers of the group of companies summarized the results of the project for development of the employer's brand of "Metafrax Group". At the final meeting, the interpretations and contents of corporate values were approved in the most accessible and understandable format.
The managers once again discussed the proposed hypotheses of how "Metafrax" shall make itself known at the labour market in the most relevant manner, and what main emphasis it should adopt in regards to working with personnel, and then voted for the most successful hypothesis. The decision was made by a majority vote. In the near future, the identity of "Metafrax Group" as a unified employer will be presented to employees of the holding's companies as well as to the labour market.
While summarizing the meeting, Armen Garslyan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax Group", stated that an important step has been taken in the systematic work on the identity and reputation of "Metafrax Group" as an employer, which, among other things, will help unite the group's enterprises, develop their common features in a more active manner, and also bring something new into the operation of each company.
- I am very pleased that the strategy we have chosen allows us to preserve the main point – the humane treatment of the employees, which we have always put as a top priority in the group. It is extremely important to continue to stick to this line so that every employee understands and feels that they are important to the company, - highlighted Armen Garslyan.
According to the head of the holding, the implementation of corporate values in regards to working with personnel is currently becoming particularly important.
- In difficult times of instability, it is more important than ever to be engaged in a common cause, to feel each other's support, to unite, to rally, - noted Armen Garslyan.