Net profit of "Metafrax" in the I quarter increased by 80%

According to the preliminary data, the net profit earned by the company for the 1st quarter of 2018 was 2.37 billion rubles. - this is by 1.06 billion rubles higher than in 2017. Net profit growth exceeded 80%.
For the 1st quarter of 2018, PJSC METAFRAX produced marketable products in the amount of 6.18 billion rubles - this is by 1.4 billion rubles, or 29.2%, higher than the corresponding indicator of the previous year. The proceeds from sales of finished products, works and services reached 6.09 billion rubles, which is by 1.3 billion rubles, or 27.1%, higher than the corresponding indicator of the previous year. The share of exports in sales was 52.3%, versus 43.2% in 1Q of 2017.
In connection with the increase in methanol prices in northwestern Europe, in the first quarter the group of companies "Metafrax" increased the export of this product and exported over 130 thousand tons abroad.