Andrey Eremeev is appointed the Director of AUM Complex

Andrey Eremeev is heading the team of “Ammonia-Urea-Melamine” (AUM) Complex starting from November 1.
Andrey Vladimirovich Eremeev was born in Gubakha, he graduated from the Perm State Technical University with a degree in “Machines and apparatuses of chemical productions and enterprises producing building materials”.
He began his career in Metafrax in 2005 as synthesis operator of the Pentaerythritol with Formalin (Hexamine) Production Plant. In 2010 he was appointed the Head of Pentaerythritol Department, a little more than a year after he became the Deputy Head of Production Plant, and in 2014 he became the Head of Pentaerythritol with Formaline (Hexamine) Production Plant. With support and participation of Andrey Eremeev the team of plant process engineers and central laboratory specialists was working on recovery of the new product - dipentaerythritol. The result of work was the started unit for the recovery of this product.
In 2018 a new – design stage began in the working career of leader, this stage brought new knowledge, competencies and invaluable experience of teamwork. As a Deputy Chief Engineer of AUM Complex he plunged into the implementation of the largest project for Metafrax. In 2021 he continued to work on the implementation of company investment program as the Director for Technical Development of enterprise. He led projects on construction of the third concentrated formalin plant CF-3 and paraformaldehyde plant.
From 1 November of this year, Andrey Eremeev is the Head of AUM Complex.
- This is a great honour that company management trusted me to be the part of AUM team. This is a large-scale complex, here there is a big team, complex integration and interaction between the plants. It is responsibly and not easy to operate such a mechanism. But I am pleased and proud to be here. I am convinced that together with the well-organized and professional AUM team we will manage to ensure the stable operation of plants, rhythmic release of products and the best possible financial results, - Andrey Eremeev noted.