Ecologists of “Metafrax” released sterlet juveniles into Chusovaya river

On the eve of the Ecologist Day, “Metafrax Chemicals” Company organized the release of more than 7,600 sterlet juveniles into the bay of the Chusovaya River of the Kama reservoir, near to the Ust-Shalashnaya village. The Company arranges the events for the artificial reproduction of aquatic biological resources on a voluntary basis for the second year in a row.
As it was explained by the Head of the environmental protection department of PJSC Metafrax, Mrs. Elena Chistyakova, this environmental action dedicated to the Day of the Ecologist, is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the specialists of the Middle Volga Management Department of the Federal Agency for Fishery.
- “Metafrax” has successfully implemented a project for the techniсal modernization of fish protection facilities at the heads of the company's water intake facilities, the ingress of fish juveniles during water intake is excluded.
Despite this, the Company carries out activities to release of sterlet juveniles, replenishing the aquatic biological resources of the Kama Region. In frames of the Company's environmental program, we plan to continue this work in the coming years. Of course, this measure is optional, but we deliberately bear these expenses, - explained Mrs. Elena Chistyakova.
"Metafrax" buys juveniles in Dobryanka at the fish hatchery of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Glavrybvod". The average weight of every fish is 3 to 4 grams. The valuable cargo reached Ust-Shalashnaya village in a specially equipped car with a container and oxygen supply. In few minutes, the juveniles rolled from the container along a special chute into water and set off for free swimming. In 5-7 years they will grow up and bear their offspring.
- This valuable type of fish is traditional for the Kama reservoir. But over the past decades, its population has declined significantly. Today the sterlet is listed in the Red Data Book of the Region. We hope that in the future, thanks to cooperation with “Metafrax” and other industrial enterprises, we will jointly be able to recover the former population, - highlighted the employees of the Kamsko-Volzhsky branch of «Glavrybvod».
The priority of environmental issues is fixed in Metafrax Group at the level of the Company's mission. In frames of rebranding procedure the philosophy of the Holding was defined as follows: «Forming the future ecological, social and business environment by means of responsible development of the chemical industry». The three-year program of "Metafrax", aimed at solving environmental issues, provides for more than five billion rubles in investments. In April 2021 at the platform of the VI Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum, Governor of the Perm Region, Mr. Dmitry Makhonin and General Director of PJSC Metafrax Mr. Vladimir Daut signed a memorandum of cooperation in the field of environmental protection between the Company and the Regional government.