Helping people is the main thing in life

In the Perm region, the "Mind Donation" project of the “Dedmorozim” Foundation is engaged in attracting donors to the Vasya Perevoschikov National Register of Bone Marrow Donors. "Metafrax Chemicals" JSC is a partner of the project.
Per the initiative of Seifeddin Rustamov, the beneficial owner of the company, since 2018, "Metafrax" has been helping Perm residents to join the National Register. More than 5500 people from different parts of the Kama region have already become potential donors.
On February 9th, as part of the project, Aleksandra Sazhina, a bone marrow donor from Perm, met with a person, whose life she saved, for the first time – Tatiana Polikarpova, a resident of Krasnoslobodsk (Mordovia). Such meetings are rarely held in Russia; each of them is a great miracle.
Aleksandra Sazhina works as a senior teacher at the "Higher School of Economics" National Research University (HSE NRU — Perm) and is raising her son. 4 years ago, she joined the National Register (RBMD).
- When I was invited to this meeting, I cried with happiness: it means that everything is alright with the person I helped, she is alive and cured of her illness, everything worked out! You should help people if there is an opportunity. This is the main thing in life, — believes Aleksandra Sazhina.
Tatiana Polikarpova is a mother of two children. In June of 2018, she was diagnosed with leukemia. The doctors came to the conclusion that the only chance for recovery is a bone marrow transplantation. The relatives were not fit to be donors. A non-relative donor was found in the base of the National RBMD. The transplantation was performed on February 9th, 2021 at the V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center in St. Petersburg.
- I am very grateful to the doctors for their kind attitude, for the confidence they instilled, for the help they provided to me. And many thanks to the donor Aleksandra for saving my life, for her care! After what happened to me, my eldest daughter also joined the register, — shared Tatiana.
The National RBMD was established in 2017. As of today, the donor base has more than 75 thousand potential donors.
Read more about bone marrow donation at the "Dedmorozim" website: link