Training young professionals

PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Board of Directors chairman, Perm region Legislative Assembly member Armen Garslyan paid a visit to the Ural chemical and technological college (UCTC). Jointly with the member of the regional parliament Alexey Mazlov he discussed with management and teaching stuff of the UCTC results and perspectives of further cooperation between “Metafrax Group” and the educational organization.
The major areas of the joint work are stated in the Agreement between the company and the educational organization. One of the key areas is engagement for training of the company dedicated specialists. They participate in preparation of the study plans and programs, give lessons on a part-time basis, work in the qualification committees, organize production training of the UCTC students in the company, and participate as the experts.
The company supports the UCTC financially. Over the last 2 years with engagement of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” resources jointly with Perm region Ministry of education and science under state and private co-financing the whole range of unique training complexes and labs was created and equipped with modern training equipment.
The company specialists participate in career guidance counseling in schools of Gubakha, Kizel, Alexandrovsk and Gremyachinsk areas. The students of the “Technological classes” in Gubakha New educational center, which have out-of-school training in the college, receive a scholarship of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals”. The program of additional professional education “Chemical technology of inorganic substances” from the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) for the students of 3-4 years, under which the university staff gives lessons in the UCTC, is also financed from the company budget. The successful college students are awarded with the corporate money rewards, including the reward of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” general director Vladimir Daut.
The representative result of the joint work is high percentage of the UCTC graduates employment at PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals”. More than 30 graduates of 2021 already work for the company. The college is a base study organization for “Metafrax Chemicals”, more than a thousand of its graduates successfully work almost in all parts of the company.
“All installed in the college modern equipment shall be used to the full extent, students shall actively use it. When the graduates will come to our production site they shall already be fully capable to use it, shall not be afraid of the new technologies and immediately be included in the work course”, highlighted Armen Garslyan. “Now we enhance the area of R&D, since there is an aim to prepare specialists also for the Engineering and technological center of “Metafrax”. Other companies of the group are also in need of the qualified personnel, that is why cooperation with the UCTC will be further promoted”.
The plans for further work are creation of the new labs, implementation of the Union “Young professionals” standards (Worldskills Russia), construction of a dorm for the students from another towns and staffing of the permanent teaching personnel for dedicated disciplines.
“Experience of interaction between the UCTC and PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” under state and private partnership proved its effectiveness. I believe it could be useful for professional education development not only in Perm region, but in other regions of Russia as well”, said Alexey Mazlov.
The Agreement between “Metafrax” and UCTC was signed at VI Perm engineering and industrial forum with presence of Perm region head Dmitry Makhonin and general director of ANCO “Professional Skills Development Agency” (Worldskills Russia) Robert Urazov. The Agreement was endorsed by PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Board of Directors chairman Armen Garslyan and the UCTC head Alexey Nazarov.
Over the last two years with engagement of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” resources under state and private co-financing in the college were created:
- Specialized center for the skills of “Process equipment repair on chemical productions” as well as multi-functional center for the course “Chemical technologies”;
- Laboratory “Automation of technological processes and productions”;
- Chemical complex with the rooms for theoretical training, interactive lab, modern lab equipment was purchased, study rooms were repaired as well as the hall of the college fourth floor.
Also equipment of welding and turnery work shops was refurbished, training and measuring equipment was purchased for analytical lab, new stadium was built, the college museum was renovated.