Campus for the engineers of the future

On 30-31 January at the site of Perm science and education center (SEC) “Rational suboil use” Perm national research polytechnic university (PNRPU) has gathered experts to discuss key aspects of PNRPU Kogalym campus operation.
In discussion “Design thinking in engineering the Kogalym campus” participated scientists and students PNRPU, specialists of the biggest industrial holdings – PJSC LYKOIL, Metafrax Group and other, documents developers from the Fund “Center of strategic developments “North-West”, representatives of SEC “Rational suboil use” and other experts.
Participants of the session have formed the prototypes of solutions for the following strategy areas of the campus development: education policy, science and research policy, policy in innovations and commercialization of developments, marketing and youth policy, human capital management policy, campus and infrastructure policy, the branch financial policy, digitalization policy, business operation model and third university mission.
Strategic communications director of Metafrax Group, head of PNRPU advisor on strategic communications Maria Konovalova highlighted significance of the joint work on creation of the baseline document for successful development of the university branch.
“For Metafrax Group Perm PNRPU and NEC “Rational suboil use” are strategic partners both for training the high grade specialists and for development of industrial processes. Clearly, creating of working strategy for the campus of Perm PNRPU in Kogalym, which is meant to become the leading center for educating the engineers for the fuel and energy sector and related industries – is an important task for substantial development not only Russian science, but the industry as a whole, including gas and chemistry industry”, highlighted Maria Konovalova.
As a part of the agreement between PNRPU, PJSC LYKOIL and administration of Kogalym (KhMAD -Ugra) in this town in 2023 will be opened a branch of PNRPU – a new generation campus. It will be located on the area of more than 170 000 square meters. Modern design of interior, high-tech equipment of lecture halls and labs, dorms and educational buildings with a smart-home system, sport areas and areas with art pieces, green micro-oasis and many other facilities — this is what the educational process of the future looks like.