"Crash test" for the management team of "Professionalitet"

From September 2 to 5, the final full-time module of the training program for the management teams of the "Professionalitet" project, organized by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the "Senezh" management workshop, was held in Moscow.
The management team of the PermRegion'si chemical cluster arrived in the capital in full force - Director of the Urals Chemical Technological CollegeAlexey Nazarov, his deputies Mikhail Voroshilov and Yulia Galimova, Head of the Personnel Management Department of Metafrax Chemicals ,JSC, Elena Bolotova and representative of the Regional Ministry of Education Olga Velmozhina.
Representatives of the team took an active part in meetings of thematic clubs, master classes from experts of Russian education, panel discussions organized within the framework of the module. But the most interesting and exciting part was the presentation and defense of the projects of the "road maps" of clusters, on which the management teams have been working since April – since the start of the training program.
Before the main defense, all the "road maps" passed a "crash test" - a session of mutual criticism from team members of other industries and experts of the "Senezh" management workshop.
- It was a serious try-out before the main exam. It was like being students again. They explained, argued, answered colleagues' questions and asked them themselves. Some comments and additions were adopted and after the "crash test"the teamsupplemented and improved our "roadmap"up to themidnight, - said Elena Bolotova, head of the Personnel Management Department of Metafrax Chemicals JSC.
On the next day the team presented its project to experts from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education and to theindustry masters. The jury highly appreciated the work of our team – in the ranking of the final defense it took the 11th place out of 70 teams.
Having systematized the practices well-established by the college, reinterpreting the knowledge and experience gained within the framework of the curriculum, assessing the hidden opportunities, the team determined the mission of the cluster – to become the best center in the Perm Region for training personnel for the chemical industry. TheUrals Chemical Technological College, which has joined the "Professionalitet" project, has all the prerequisites for this.
- "Professionalitet" is a qualitatively new approach to education. In the "roadmap", we tried to reflect how the cluster can affect the future. The goal is ambitious – to accumulate in Gubakha a competence center for training chemical industry workers from the entire Perm Region," Elena Bolotova shared. – It is important for us to raise the quality standardin the training of graduates and expand the set of industry competencies and skills so that the pupilshave stable formed skills when coming to work. They shallbecome valuable specialists in demand on the market,increasingthereby the prestige and popularity of professions of the chemical industry. It is possible to do this on the basis of our Urals Chemical Technological College. With the support of our main employer, Metafrax Chemicals, we can achieve more. When communicating with colleagues from other industries and regions of Russia during these six months of training, I was once again convinced: we have the best college and our interaction is built at a high level. We really have something to be proud of. We understand what we can still strive for. And the "Professionalitet" project gives us new opportunities for implementation.