Levon Garslyan: We shall not just “fight a fire”, but to look in the future as well

LLC Metadynea deputy general director on strategic development and evaluation of the investment projects Levon Garslyan and the head of PJSC Metafrax HR department Alexey Mazlov spoke to the media MediaKUB about educational projects implemented by Metafrax Group.
In October 2020 jointly with the colleagues from the strategy department of Metadynea and the Engineering-technological center of Metafrax Levon Garslyan started two practical courses: “Evaluation of COVID-19 and economical crisis impact on the industry” and “Enterprise investment strategy” for the students of the Higher School of Economics National Research University (HSE). The lessons are being given remotely.
“These are original courses, not standard, and it was important for us to get the people, who have actual interest in the subject. It was possible to do, we see engagement of the courses participants, their first results, and we are satisfied with them”, informed Levon Garslyan.
The students, according to him, are interested in replies to specific, practical questions.
“We speak a lot about current situation in the world. In the end, any crisis provides the possibilities as well. We shall not only “fight” the fire, but to look in the future as well. For the moment all are in the post coronavirus trans, we shall move forward. Such approach will mandatory work out”, believes Levon Garslyan.
Many educational projects of Metafrax Group are traditional: vocational counseling, support of the Ural chemical-technological college (UCTC), practical trainings for the students and lections from the holding top managers. Breakthrough of 2020 is an innovation project for the development of the secondary vocational education in Gubakha.
“We are trying to create conditions for new skills in educational, exploration activity, personal qualities development, which are required for professional self-identification in future. This is formed already from the kindergarten, elementary school. The purpose is increase of an educational level in scientific area. This is a possibility for children from KUB to receive good education and then consciously choose a profession and a work place”, said Alexey Mazlov.
This year in the New educational center in Gubakha was opened a technological class for in-depth study of chemistry for the students of 8th and 9th grades. This became a start of the large scale project within network interaction of Gubakha educational management and the Ural chemical-technological college with support of the Perm region head Dmitry Makhonin, Perm region government and PJSC Metafrax. Its essence is integration of school education, professional preparation and a production facility.
“School students will be able to study in the college. There will be practical lessons, in-depth preparation for the Unified State Exam. And for the students of 3-4 courses of the UCTC an additional professional preparation is foreseen based on the higher school program engaging the lecturers of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. In future it will allow to shorten time of studying at the university for the graduates”, informed Alexey Mazlov.
Full material “At the core is increase of education level” can be found on the media website.