Leaders of the production culture

At Metafrax, the results of the traditional review competition on culture and aesthetics of production among production units over the past year were finalized. The winners and runner-ups of the competition were awarded prizes.
The leaders were chosen by an expert commission. Among the divisions of the first group, the title "Workshops of high culture" was awarded to the workshop for the preparation and repair of railway transport (TPRW, first place) and methanol production (second place). In the second group, the leaders were the gas rescue squad (first place) and the railway workshop (second place).
The amenity spaces of the repair workshop (RW, first place) and the Ammonia-Urea-Melamine plant (AUM, second place) were selected as the best. The best meal rooms were found in the Central Production Laboratory (CPL, first place) and the Power Supply Workshop (PSW, second place).
Traditionally, as a part of the competition, the commission summarizes the results of the nomination "The best snow sculpture". This time, the first place was awarded to the engineering department, transportation and faclities workshop, the railway workshop and the production of POPA. The second place was awarded to the PPW, TPRW, formalin plant, CDT and RW. The third place was given to the PSW, ARW and warehouse management. The Grand Prix of the competition was awarded to the production of methanol.
The members of the commission noted that in 2023, many divisions of the enterprise paid due attention to the production culture and amenities condition. In particular, a sewage treatment plant has been installed at the Kosaya switch post of the railway workshop, power supply has been improved, and a water heater has been installed. A sauna and a women's amenity room have been renovated in building 363 (RW). A project to improve the ventilation system is being implemented in the steam and gas workshop. The workshop room and calibration room in the automation repair workshop (ARW) have been renovated. Special stands for fire extinguishers are installed in the building of the technical diagnostics center (TDC). In the automobile box of the transport and facilities workshop, an individual parking space is defined for each vehicle, marked with a plate with a registration number. A TV is installed in the discharge room of building 1646 to watch educational video materials. In the workshop for the preparation and repair of railway transport, cosmetic repairs were carried out in the rooms of ventilation and in the offices of engineering and technical workers. The renovation of the men's shower and sauna in the men's amenity room has been completed. An electric hand dryer is installed in the meal room. In the division of pentaerythritol of the production of polyorganics and polyatomic alcohols (POPA), the entrance on the north side was re-equipped, and the exhaust hood was replaced in the laboratory.
The objective of the competition on culture and aesthetics of production is to create safe and comfortable conditions for work and recreation of employees of the enterprise. At the end of the year, the best divisions are awarded the title of "Workshops of high production culture", as well as the best amenity spaces and meal rooms are chosen. Twice a year, as a part of the competition, an expert commission consisting of representatives of the Department of occupational safety and industrial safety, the personnel sector, the economic services section and the union organization checks the conditions of workers' industrial life, the state of culture and aesthetics of industrial premises and territories assigned to structural divisions, the cleanliness of workplaces and amenity spaces, compliance with sanitary standards, compliance with the rules of industrial hygiene and safety.