The best solutions will be implemented in production

Konstantin Volovin, Shift Process Engineer of melamine plant, and Anna Khlebnikova, Economist of Planning and Economic Department, won the contest for the best scientific and technical work among young specialists of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals.
This year 21 young specialists of the company presented their projects at the traditional competition. Following a series of presentations, 7 projects have made it to the final. The authors of the best projects were Ekaterina Khodyreva, Design Engineer, Alexander Shchegolev, Process Control System Engineer, Anna Khlebnikova, Economist of Planning and Ecomomic Department, Konstantin Volovin, Process Engineer of melamine plant, Anastasia Afanasyeva, Chemical Engineer of sanitary laboratory, Bari Ramazanov, Shift Leader of urea plant and Vladislav Medvedev, Operator of Product Preparation Department.
In the final stage of the competition, the young specialists presented their modified projects to the expert team based on recommendations. The committee consisted of Viktor Maier, First Deputy General Director, Alexander Vdovin, Technical Director, Elena Vetluzhskikh, Deputy General Director for Finance and Economics, Andrei Davydov, Commercial Director and Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director for HR and Social Issues
The main criteria used by the committee to evaluate the projects were relevance, cost-effectiveness and feasibility of implementing the proposed ideas at the production facilities. Some of the presented projects are already at the stage of design and implementation, while others are promising for implementation.
By committee's decision the best projects were Konstantin Volovin's project "Melamine recovery from waste mother liquor to reduce product losses without loss of quality" (coordinator Dmitry Sharapov) and Anna Khlebnikova's work "Automation of factor analysis for raw materials and material costs by product type based on budgeting integrated automated system" (coordinator Elena Berdnikova).
Victor Maier, Chairman of the committee, thanked all the participants and wished them a long and fruitful work at the enterprise.
“Our company is one-of-a-kind for young employees. We have highly automated process units, an information system for resource management and massive opportunities for career development. Everything we have built, modernized and upgraded in the 21st century is world-class practice and equipment. If you treat your work professionally, gain new knowledge and take interest in all areas of the company, you will succeed”, said Mr. Maier
The awards ceremony will be held as part of the celebration dedicated to the Chemist's Day.