Metadynea Trading joins world rating of top chemical distributors

Metadynea Trading was ranked for the first time by ICIS ТОР-100 Chemical distributors rating.
Ranking is built on annual cost of sales and represents top world chemical distributors, which are active on the global scale.
Ranking evaluates activities of regional chemical distribution leaders in North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America and Middle East (including Africa), analysing key developments affecting various supply chains.
This year Metadynea Trading SA has reached place 39 in Middle East and Africa, 61 in Europe, 104 in the global ranking and 114 in North America.
“ICIS Top-100 ranking is based on global sales, where geography and cost of sales are analysed”, commented Vasily Mikhaylov, representative of Metadynea Trading. “Ranking grades chemical distribution companies and is published in «ICIS Chemical Business» weekly magazine, covering world chemical markets. Magazine is published by ICIS, chemical analytics and news reporter and the only price reporting agency, currently recognized by methanol market participants”.
As per expert, ICIS is publishing this rating for the 8th year, but Metadynea Trading SA has joined this rating for the first time. Ranking is assisting market participants to navigate through growing world chemical markets.
“Joining this rating mentions recognition of our Group of companies as remarkable market participant in the world chemical distribution”, added Mr. Mikhaylov, “such participation allows to share more information about “Metafrax” group, to attract attention to substantial scale of our business, to increase opportunities of engaging more customers and vendors.
Metadynea Trading SA was established in 2014, headquartered in Geneva, trades export volumes of “Metafrax” – methanol, hexamine and pentaerythritol.