Metafrax Group plans to attract Perm REC to develop new production technologies

On February 20th, in the Perm Research and Educational Center "Rational subsoil management" (REC) a meeting was held on the issues of technology development planning for production of PJSC "Metafrax".
It was attended by General Director of LLC "Engineering and technological center "Metafrax" Nikolay Ilyukhin, Deputy General Director of LLC "Metafrax Trading" Oleg Gordienko, Director of ANCO Perm REC "Rational subsoil management" Pavel Ilyushin as well as representatives of Perm universities - Perm State National Research University and Perm National Research Polytechnic University.
– "Metafrax" is constantly working to improve the manufacturability and develop its product line. In collaboration with the Perm REC, we expect that the cooperation of universities, process companies and industrial enterprises aimed to create and implement new technologies in the industry will lead to practical results in the form of new projects for the development of our production, – noted Oleg Gordienko.
As a result of the discussion, it was decided to start the joint development of production technologies that can be implemented at the "Metafrax" production site in Gubakha. In particular, the production technology of oil-field reagents via the condensation of formaldehyde and bases that contain a nitrogen atom is considered as one of the options.
– We are considering cooperation between "Metafrax" and REC in two directions simultaneously – "Chemical technologies" and "Ecology and safety of territories". The projects that we have previously discussed are able to solve current company issues and increase efficiency in these areas. At this point, we are holding a discussion with the dedicated experts of "Metafrax" in regards to a more precise task statement for the research teams that are united by the REC, – Pavel Ilyushin stated.
"Rational subsoil management" REC was created in 2019 on the basis of collaboration between the Perm Federal research center of the Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University and the Perm State National Research University in cooperation with enterprises of the real economy sector.