Metafrax Group expands resin production in Gubakha

Manufacturing site of Metadinea Metafrax Group in Gubakha implements an investment project of 45-cube R-3201 Russian-made phenol formaldehyde resin (PFR) synthesis reactor installation.
Currently one more 45-cube reactor for the production of PFR for plywood is in operation in Gubakha. Its capacity equals about 38 thousand tons of product per year.
“The market is growing. According to our analytics, our customers’ demand for product is going to grow up to 25 thousand tons per year in a peak periods by 2021. We shall be ready to meet those needs. It’s planned that implementation of project will increase the PFR production by 37.5 thousand per year and will provide the company with an expansion of market share concerning this product in the country,” - reported the project manager Andrey Polovodov
According to Denis Gutauskas, director of Metadinea branch in Gubakha, seven new workplaces will be created to operate the new reactor.
A new transformer sub-station for production of additional volume of resins was built and is in a commissioning stage. In addition, the capacity park in UFR warehouse is increased by 4 new tanks, formalin raw-material tank is built and 2 existing plywood resins tanks are being modified. Besides this new automatic urea unloading system will be installed, and the third drain point will be installed in the phenol unloading building.
Equipment is already delivered to the installation site. Foundations are erected, installation of tanks is being performed. An Urea hopper is already installed in a manufacturing building and the reactor is already on its place. According to equipment schedule auxiliaries such as cables, valves, instrumentation and manual valves are being provided and automatic urea feed station delivery is expected.
Putting equipment into the operation is planned to July 2021. Investment costs in the main production assets of the project are estimated at more than half a billion rubles at the expense of own funds. General contractor of construction and installation works is Metatransstroy. Project implementation partners are Dynea AS (Norway) as the developer of basic design, Engineering and Technological Center Metafrax that prepared working documentation and Zavkom Engineering company as a manufacturer of the core process equipment. Monolitkapstroy carries out the construction supervision and Engineering and Technological Center Metafrax carries out the design supervision.