The Metafrax Group systematizes the work on the implementation of the ESG principles

The Metafrax Group systematizes the work on the implementation of the ESG principles
The Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals decided to establish a working group on the implementation of the ESG principle in the activities of the group of companies. The collegiate body included the top managers of Metafrax Chemicals, Metadynea, Engineering and Technology Center of Metafrax and trading companies of the group, representatives of legal and financial departments, production, corporate management communications, HR, GR and environmental protection. Mr. Simon Vikhnin, Legal Director of PJSC Metafrax Chemicals, has been appointed as a Head of the working group.
- The Metafrax Group of Companies has gathered significant experience in implementing of ESG principles when solving issues in the areas of ecology, industrial safety, occupational safety, social policy, and corporate governance. As part of the activities of the working group we plan to systematize and synchronize these processes, based on the most successful cases and expert recommendations, with the subsequent scaling of the project to the entire Group of Companies, - said Mr. Simon Vikhnin.
In 2021, Metafrax Chemicals received the silver status of the ESG rating of the best employers in Russia, presented by Forbes magazine. This is a high assessment of a reliable and conscientious employer. The Company increases «green» investments. By creating conditions for long-term development, it improves production and implements modern and efficient ways to reduce emissions and wastes. The priority of environmental issues is set at the level of the company's mission.
The UN formulates the ideological basis of the ESG principles. Their implementation provides for the practical realization of the advanced practices in such areas as Environmental, Social and Governance.