“Metafrax Group” provides conditions for engagement of the qualified doctors to the Kizel coal field towns

In the scope of PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” cooperation with the Perm region Health Ministry over the last years the company has provided 6 comfortable apartments in the new houses to the doctors, who arrived to Gubakha after sponsored education.
“We are interested in health of employees and members of their families, to provide in hospitals and clinics of Kizen coal field all spectrum of medical services with quality”, highlighted PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” general director deputy on personnel and social issues Rashid Shakirov during the work meeting with representatives of the regional Health Ministry. According to him, the cooperation results are visible: in September in Gubakha branch of the town clinic No. 4 started to work 4 specialized doctors, which have received sponsored education in residency of Perm State Medical University.
“We are very glad about this. That’s why we are ready to support personnel projects of the Health Ministry in the future as well and to take different actions of social support additionally to the state ones. Today we discussed options, which mandatory will be considered by “Metafrax”, stated Rashid Shakirov.
Growth of the personnel in the medical institutions from the experienced specialists is one of the purposes of the program “Provision of the health system medical institutions with qualitied personnel”, which is implemented under national project “Health care”.
More in detail – on the website of the head and the government of Perm region via the link.