«Metafrax Group» increases formalin production

The products from the new formalin plant will be used for the own paraformaldehyde production and for the resins.
A solemn ceremony of the startup of a production plant of concentrated 55% formalin (KF-3) took place at the “Metafrax Chemicals” enterprise in Gubakha, Perm Region. The event was attended by the Governor of the Perm Region, Mr. Dmitry Makhonin, representatives of the regional government and the Board of Directors of the Company.
The constructed formalin plant is the third one at the enterprise. It was built as part of the “Metafrax Group” investment project for the setup of paraformaldehyde and formalin production facilities. The start up of the new plants will create about 50 jobs, increase the in-house processing of methanol to 450 thousand tons per year and extend the range of products. The project is realized in frames of the Development Program of the Company to 2025. The capacity of the CF-3 plant is 181 thousand tons per year.
- I want to thank all our construction workers, the Dynea AS Company, the Engineering and Technology Center “Metafrax”, the “Metafrax Chemicals” team - everyone who in the difficult conditions, dictated by the spread of the coronavirus, managed to put this plant into operation on time. Also I would like to express my gratitude to the Governor of the Perm Region, Mr. Dmitry Makhonin and his management team for the support provided to the enterprise in frames of investment projects. Thanks to our partners - the Industrial Development Fund. A lot of joint work has been done. I think that we will meet not once at the opening of new production facilities of “Metafrax Group”. We start a new pool of large investments, including construction of the «Melamine-2» plant at the production site in Gubakha, – stated the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals”, Mr. Armen Garslyan.
The project is realized in frames of a special investment contract concluded in 2019 between the government of the Perm Region and PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” for a period of 9 years and with the support of the Industrial Development Fund (VEB RF Group), which provided the Company with a preferential loan of 500 million rubles.
- Perm Region is a region with high economic potential, the main share of which refers to the industrial complex. Of course, its development is one of our key tasks. One of the examples of such successful work is the start up of a concentrated formalin plant at the “Metafrax Chemicals” enterprise. It is important to emphasize that the formalin produced at the new plant will be used as a raw material for the paraformaldehyde production, a product that is currently not produced in Russia and is imported from abroad. Its production will start at “Metafrax” next year. This will fully satisfy the demands of Russian consumers in this product and, as a result, reduce the dependence of the Russian economy on imports, – stated Mr. Dmitry Makhonin.
The General Director of the PJSC “Metafrax Chemicals” Mr. Vladimir Daut presented a Note of Gratitude to Mr. Sergei Mitrichev, Deputy General Director for Capital Construction of Alteks-Stroy LLC Company, that acted as the general work contractor for the construction of the plant. Also, an official greeting was read to the participants of the event from Mr. Lars Axelsen, General Manager of Dynea AS (Norway), a supplier of equipment for the plant. In his message he congratulated the audience on the successful start-up of the plant and informed that the world's largest formaldehyde reactor with the silver technology is currently in operation at the “Metafrax” site in Gubakha.
The equipment supplier, the developer of the basic and detailed design is Dynea AS (Norway). The project and working documentation for the project was developed by the «Engineering and Process Center of «Metafrax» LLS. Concentrated formalin will be sent to the production of paraformaldehyde in the Gubakha’s branch of the «Metadynea» Company for the production of resins, as well to the pentaerythritol and hexamine production for the in-house consumption.
Low-methanol concentrated formalin is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, which is produced by means of catalytic oxidation and dehydrogenation of methanol.
Formalin is used for the production of synthetic resins, synthetic rubber, surfactants, polyhydric alcohols and other methylene derivatives, as well as in the paper industry to improve strength and quality of paper; in the tannery - for tanning of leather; in the textile industry - to increase the resistance of products to creasing and shrinkage; in agriculture - for processing of seeds and root crops, disinfecting of soil and livestock buildings; in medicine - as a disinfectant.