"Metafrax Group" will once again support the educational program of the Dyagilev Festival

The International Dyagilev Festival will be held in Perm from 10 to 20 of June. This year, one of the most anticipated events in the world of Russian academic art will be held in the traditional format and will once again present the current musical trends and achievements of modern theater.
For the fifth time, the festival provides an educational program, which will be attended by students of creative universities in Russia. Master classes and lectures of famous musicians and music experts such as Alexey Parin, Irina Susidko, Pavel Lutsker, Anton Batagov, Theodor Currentzis, Antonios Koutroupis and Nanin Linning will be organized for novice pianists, symphony and choir conductors, choreographers, dancers, music experts, producers and composers.
Thanks to the support of Seifeddin Rustamov, the beneficial owner of "Metafrax" PJSC, the Women in Art program, dedicated to women in art, will continue its work. Female students, who study professions that are rare among women, such as conducting, clarinet and drumming, receive an additional opportunity to expand their musical experience as part of the program.
- This year, the theme of the educational program of the Dyagilev Festival is "Word and Music". Its participants will consider their relationship from a variety of angles. Thanks to the support of "Metafrax Group", the dance laboratory “No man is an island” will be organized - a project of Maria Andryushchenko, a producer and a graduate of Women in Art 2019. Under the guidance of choreographer Nanin Linning, the choreography and dance students will create their works based on the music of young composers. Another project of our graduates will also be implemented — the "Andersen's Tales" program, which will feature works of young Danish and Russian composers, - said Maria Konovalova, adviser to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax" PJSC.
The Women in Art project was initially implemented as part of the 2018 International Dyagilev Festival. In addition, a cooperation agreement was concluded in 2018 between "Metafrax" PJSC and the Perm opera and ballet theater named after P. I. Tchaikovsky, due to which a number of joint cultural programs and projects was implemented over the past years, which were aimed at developing cultural institutions and the tourist potential of the territories of Kizel Coal Basin, introducing residents to the values of Russian and worldwide music and theatre culture and activating cultural life in the region.