«Metafrax Group» was awarded with the «Premium of Kindness»

The opening of the festival "Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" is recognized as the kindest event of the year in Prikamye.
«Premium of Kindness» is an honorary title, that does not have a cash equivalent. It was first established in Perm Region in 2019. The project was supported by the Governor's administration and Culture Ministry of Perm Region, «Perm community», OOO «Lukoil-Perm».
The winners of the “Premium of Kindness” were selected in five nominations. Municipalities of Prikamye and regional cultural institutions could initiate their nomination. In total, more than 50 nominees were announced for participation.
PJSC Metafrax was recognized as the best in the nomination «Event» for its many years of support of the “Sunset on Krestovaya mount” project. The award - a memorial figurine, created according to the sketches of the Perm sculptor Mr. Ravil Ismagilov - was presented to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Mr. Armen Garslyan by the Head of Gubakha Mr. Nikolay Lazeykin.
In addition to Metafrax Group, the “Premiums of Kindness” in 2019 were received by the Civil and Community Initiatives Fund «Preobrazhenie» (Solikamsk), Honorary Citizen of Dobryanka municipal settlement Mr. Mikhail Kalinin, Perm branch of the «MobileTeleSystems» Company and Perm writer and painter Mrs. Nina Gorlanova.
We would like to remind, that for the first time the theatre landscape festival " Secrets of Krestovaya Mount" was held in the summer of 2012. One of its creative components was the project “Ballet at Sunset” at the top of the Rudyansky Ridge of the Krestovaya Mount. Since then, the festival has become an annual event. In 2019 the legendary rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar was performed at its opening by artists of the Perm Academic Theatre-Theatre.