Metafrax Group was ranked 237th in RBK’s rating

RBK has presented sixth annual rating of the largest companies in Russia based on the results of 2019. Metafrax Group was ranked 237th by showing its 54.6 bil. Rub. revenue according to IFRS. Lowering of the index by 3.6% led to an insignificant loss of position by 17 lines.
“Metafrax experienced the sudden recession in demand and products prices in the second half of 2019. Recession of vehicle manufacturing industry, construction industry and fiberboard and chipboard market stagnation affected the most,” notices the chairman of the board of Metafrax Armen Garslyan.
638 representatives of 34 economic sectors participated in sixth annual rating of the largest companies in Russia. Overall revenue of 500 leading Russian companies in 2019 equals 89.24 tril. Rub, or 81,1% of Russian GDP.