For the first time Metafrax and Metadynea Trading attended European Technical Coatings Congress in Amsterdam

This year congress took place during 26-29 June in historical building of former stock exchange (Beurs van Berlage) in the centre of Amsterdam.
For the first time this congress was co-organized by Federation of Associations of Technicians for Industry of Paints
in European Countries (FATIPEC), The Oil & Colour Chemists Association (OCCA) and Coatings Science International (CoSI). It gathered more than 400 R&D experts in coatings industry from many multinational and mid-size companies from all over the world.
4-days congress was full of sessions (3-4 sessions on different topics were held simultaneously), topics were mainly dedicated to technical aspects of paint, paint raw materials as well as the most recent progress in coatings science and technology.
“This was a first-time experience of such kind for Metafrax Group, the only pentaerythritol manufacturer in Eastern Europe. It was very useful to meet and talk face-to-face with experts, who take final decision, which raw materials shall be used in currently developed products”, says Vasily Mikhaylov, representative of Metadynea Trading, marketing subsidiary of Metafrax Group.
“This event was very inspiring, as it broadened my horizon of understanding, in which finished goods our raw material is used and how important is to meet certain criteria for particular consumers - manufacturers of paints and coatings”, says Vadim Dik, deputy head of pentaerythritol and hexamine production units. “Launch of dipentaerythritol unit, which is expected still this year - requires discussion of numerous technical aspects with the users, this congress is a very well-represented platform for meeting many existing and prospective customers at a single place”, so Mr. Dik.