Metafrax - the leader in methanol export

According to market analysts in 2018, the volume of methanol export from Russia amounted to 1.9 million t. More than a quarter of this volume - almost 500 thousand tons - was exported by Metafrax. For this indicator, the company leads among Russian manufacturers.
The total export volume of Russian methanol has increased from 2015 from 1.4 to 1.9 million tons. In its turn, Metafrax has doubled its export value for the product over the past 4 years. In 2015 the company's volume of supplies abroad amounted to 254 thousand tons, in 2016 - 353 thousand tons, in 2017 - 383 thousand tons, by the end of 2018 - 495.5 thousand tons.
According to the representative of the company Metadynea Trading Vasily Mikhailov - over the past year, Metafrax managed to achieve a leading position in the methanol export market from Russia for a number of reasons, including the increased competition on the domestic market: “A significant share of exports, as before, was taken by Finland, where the Group of companies has an efficient logistics for the accumulation and transshipment of shiploads of methanol. The company is also quite active in distribution on the local Finnish market, offering a product delivered by both rail and road.
There is growing competition in the segment of methanol delivery by sea transport, forcing to enlarge the supply of lots where it is possible. It is also worth noting the increase in export deliveries by rail, which is related to the increase of the cost of maritime logistics and the improvement of netbacks in direct sales,”concludes Mr. Mikhailov.