Metafrax is the Leader of the Health and Labour Safety Development Contest

For the third year in a row, company Metafrax becomes the winner of the annual health and labour safety development contest organized by the regional organization Roskhimprofsoyuz.
Trying to find the best company, the regional contest committee diligently approached to estimation of various factors - occupational injuries, labour safety development activities financing, providing the personal protective equipment, uniform and protective footwear to the personnel, industrial control and if the sanitary and amenity facilities meet the construction norms and regulations. The Gubakha chemistry company has shown good results for many of them.
This time, more than eight relative companies with more than one thousand employees became competitors to Metafrax. Six companies, including the subsidiaries of Metafrax, - MetaTransStroy, Ltd. and Security Agency Garant, Ltd., were competitors in the group of the competitors with less than one thousand employees.
“Our company had been participating in this contest for several times, and it had been the winner a lot of times. – Sais Igor Ordinskiy, Deputy Technical Director. – The success is not accidental. Once again, it outlines results of the complex control and interest of environment, health and safety specialists and each company employee in following the labour safety requirements.