“Metafrax” modernizes pentaerythritol production

According to the Board of Directors strategy, the revamping of pentaerythritol production has started. The strategy means carrying out of revamping in 3 stages.
The 1st stage is extraction of dipentaerythritol: nowadays the working documentation is being developed and the equipment order is being made. It’s planned to finish all works within the 1st half of 2018.
The 2nd stage is modernization of product synthesis unit, the 3rd one is processing of mother solutions. Late in June the Board of Directors approved funding for carrying out of works on the 3rd stage.
All works will be done within 4 years for the own company’s expenses. Capital investment in modernization will reach 1 billion rubles.
Vladimir Daut, PJSC “Metafrax” General Director:
-Finally after completion of all three stages we will sufficiently increase production of commercial pentaerythritol and sodium formate. Apart from that, unit consumption of materials and power will be reduced. The revamping will go practically without shutdown of current production, - he said.