"Metafrax" increases support for college in Gubakha

The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement between "Metafrax" PJSC and the Ural Chemical Technology College (UCTC) took place at the site of the VI Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum. The document was approved by Armen Garslyan, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Metafrax" PJSC and Alexey Nazarov, the Director of UCTC, in the presence of Dmitry Makhonin, the Governor of the Perm Region, and Robert Urazov, the General Director of the ANO "Agency for the Development of Professional Skills" (Worldskills Russia). The agreement sets out the obligations of the parties for joint activities in the field of training of qualified working personnel.
According to the head of the region, the future of the industry is behind the solution of the common task of worker training.
- It is necessary to form motivation mechanisms for choosing trade professions in relation to young people, who are finishing school. And it is also necessary to create comfortable working conditions with a decent salary for them. This is a key point that we must now think about and talk about, - Dmitry Makhonin said.
UCTC is a base educational institution for "Metafrax", its graduates work in almost all structural divisions of the company. The company is seriously investing in the development of the college. In 2017-2021, the roof of the building was repaired and specialized equipment was purchased at the expense of PJSC "Metafrax's" own funds in the amount of 20 million rubles.
- The development of the Ural Chemical Technology College is aiming to solve an extremely important task for all of us. As such, we create conditions for people to be interested in living, studying and working in the Perm Region. Ultimately, many of our other initiatives, such as the construction of houses and the improvement of the territory of Gubakha, social programs, cultural and charity projects, are aimed at achieving this goal, - stressed Armen Garslyan.
Due to the cooperation of the company, the government of the Perm Region and the administration of the Gubakha City District, a multifunctional center for applied qualifications in the field of "Chemical Technologies" and a specialized competence center "Repair of process equipment of chemical production facilities" were created at UCTC, a project is being implemented together with the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU), within the framework of which scientists of the university teach at UCTC, a new stadium has been built and the college museum has been updated.
According to the agreement signed between "Metafrax" and UCTC, the college undertakes to include production modules in the professional training programs, aimed at developing the competencies in demand at the enterprise, to ensure the admission and graduation of specialists in the number that meets the needs of the company, to participate in projects of the "Young Professionals" Union of WorldSkills Russia, to send students to practice and competitions of professional skills at "Metafrax" PJSC, to assist in the employment of senior students and graduates of UCTC at the enterprise and to conduct extracurricular training in chemistry for Gubakha schoolchildren.
"Metafrax" undertakes to annually draw up and implement a joint activity plan with the educational institution, to organize paid industrial practice for college students, to employ UCTC senior students at the enterprise, if there are vacancies, with transfer to training according to individual curricula, to participate in the development of the material and technical base of the college and the implementation of such projects as the PNRPU DPO program "Technological Class", projects of the WorldSkills Union and others, to reward the best college students with corporate cash bonuses, to provide nonresident teachers in need with the opportunity to rent apartments from the corporate housing stock and provide college employees with subsidized vouchers to the sanatorium of "Metafrax" PJSC.