"Metafrax" presents the "Wind of time" book in the Legislative Assembly of the Kama region

On February 20th, the Legislative Assembly of the Perm region held a presentation of Svetlana Fedotova's book titled "Wind of time". Armen Garslyan, chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC "Metafrax" and a member of the regional parliament, handed over a copy of the publication with his autograph to the Chairman of the Legislative Assembly Valery Sukhoi for the "Parliamentary library" project. Another copy was presented to the State archive of the Perm region.
– This book is not only about the development of "Metafrax". Due to the fact that Svetlana Fedotova is a caring and extraordinary author, the book turned out to be deeper and wider. This is a book about love for your city, enterprise, and region. It is about how "ad astra per aspera", we are growing confidently, relying on the support of the population, the authorities of our country and the region for the benefit of residents of the cities of Kizel Coal Basin and the entire Perm region, – stated Armen Garslyan.
Valery Sukhoi thanked the author's team for their tremendous work and noted that he had already read the book "from cover to cover".
– This publication makes us remember some pages of the Gubakha industrial center history. This is evidence of the formation and rise of our Kama region industry," – said the speaker of the regional Parliament.
Maria Konovalova, member of the Legislative Assembly, adviser to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC Metafrax, and Igor' Kireev, Director of the state archive of the Perm region, also took part in the presentation of the book.
– Our partners are not only production chemists, but also our associates – representatives of the Perm Polytechnic University, the Perm Opera and ballet theater, the Perm art gallery, the Perm Philharmonic, the "Dominant" theater and many others. These are the people with whom we work together to create projects that are significant for the region's residents. The book was created simultaneously with the formation of a new "Metafrax Group" brand. And "Wind of time" reflects the philosophy and values of our company – innovation, responsibility and sustainability, – Maria Konovalova highlighted.
Simultaneously with the presentation of the book, the regional Legislative Assembly had opened an "At the chemical level" exhibition about the history of the chemical industry of the Perm region. The exhibition was organized by the State archive of the Perm region, PJSC "Metafrax", LLC "LUKOIL–Perm" and LLC "LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez".