“Metafrax” joined the donor campaign “Donate blood to save a life”

Mass blood donation at "Metafrax" will take place from 24th to 27th of June at mobile blood donor centre.
A social campaign "DONATE BLOOD TO SAVE A LIFE" started in Perm Krai under the patronage of Perm Krai Government and "LUKOIL-PERMNEFTEPRODUKT". From April to November in the Krai a number of events will take place aimed at popularization of blood donation and increasing the number of people who consistently donate blood.
This year the campaign went out of the borders of Perm, and such companies as "Metafrax" and "ER-Telekom" joined it. On the 17th of April companies which participate in the event signed three-party agreements of cooperation.
Gennadiy Tushnolobov, the Chairman of Perm Krai Government:
- We see today that companies which are already successful in their activity are starting to understand their social responsibility as well. They unite their employees in this valuable campaign aimed at saving lives and health of people of the Krai. Blood is vitally important, this is why the signed agreements are the first step towards the solution of the problem connected with the lack of donor blood. We need the number of donors to increase so that we could provide medical institutions with blood for planned operations and emergency cases.
The campaign started on the 19th of April, the Russian National Day of Donorship. On this day members of Perm Krai Goverment, Perm Administration and business community donated blood.
The campaign is going to continue in different territories and companies of the Krai. Blood donation will be available at mobile stations. In May and June Days of Donorship will take place at the largest enterprises of Perm and Perm Krai, and the results of these events will be summed up in autumn.
Rashid Shakirov, Deputy Director - Human Resources Manager
- "Metafrax" is happy to join the campaign "Donate blood to save a life". We are sure that company's employees and citizens of our town will gladly participate in this noble cause. During the event at our company's site and in town a number of corporate Days of Donorship will occur. Mass blood donation will take place at the mobile station, so nobody will be forced to go somewhere far away.
Today the problem of blood donation is one of the key problems of healthcare. Donor blood is still the only source of blood for component and sample preparation.
Oksana Samovol'nikova, Chief Doctor of the Perm Krai Blood Donation Station:
- Donorship is a very big social problem, it always was, is and will be present, because the need in blood increases: new methods of therapy appear, new technologies in surgery. There is a number of large medical institutions in Perm Krai which are in need of blood every day, up to 50 litres. The number of donors coming to blood donation stations is from 80 to 150 daily, and we still require more people to consistently make donations.
Donated blood is kept in quarantine for half a year, it is required by law. It is important to make sure that future users of blood will be safe. When this time period passes, donors have to come to a station once again and donate blood or make analyses for the most dangerous blood-borne diseases to confirm blood quality.
Blood donation is saving of lives
Blood transfusion is made for people whose life is in danger. Usually it is needed when blood system is unable to replenish lost blood because of injuries, excessive bleeding during operations, difficult delivery or burns. A lot of blood transfusion is required by people who suffer from leukemia and cancer.
The Day of Donorship at "Metafrax" will take place along with the company's anniversary from 24th to 27th of June. Citizens of Gubakha will also be able to participate in the event.