Metafrax involved university teachers to train college students in Gubakha

The “Metafrax Chemicals” Company together with Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU) started to implement the program "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" on the basis of the Ural Chemical-Technological College (UCTC).
The project provides for the training of students in the specialization of "Chemical technology of organic substances" in such disciplines as: "Processes and devices of chemical technology", "Technology of compounds of bound nitrogen", "General chemical technology", "Control systems for chemical technological processes", "Colloidal chemistry" and "Energy technology". Gubakha’s students will be taught by scientists from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology of PNRPU. The course of studies is intended for two years.
The first lesson for third-year students of the UCTC took place on November, 23. The project’s curator from the university, Deputy Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies of PNRPU, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Mrs. Asiya Kobeleva, addressed the students with a welcoming speech.
Successful mastering of this program, that is new not only for the college, but also for the entire system of secondary vocational education of Perm Region, will significantly increase the level of professional knowledge of its graduates. In addition, the duration of their further education at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Chemical Technologies, Industrial Ecology and Biotechnology of PNRPU will be reduced.
- This is a completely new format of our cooperation with the Company. This is a unique experience,that we really appreciate. Opening of the program and the first classes demonstrated mutual interest among students and teachers of the university: new format of teaching, new knowledge for students, new experience for teachers. Classes, including those using remote learning technologies, are conducted by associate professors, candidates of sciences and senior teachers of the faculty. Once again, we would like to express our gratitude to Metafrax for trust and long-term cooperation, thanks to which the relations between industry and education strengthen and the chemical industry develops in the region, - highlighted Mrs. Asiya Kobeleva.
The project realization is financed by the “Metafrax Chemicals” Company, a strategic partner of the UCTC. The program is a part of an innovative project,that provides for the implementation of the concept of professional training of specialists: "School-College-Metafrax-University".
- About one thousand employees from more than two thousand employees of the enterprise have graduated in different years from this educational institution, which is basic for us. College graduates work in almost all structural divisions of the Company.
Metafrax, together with the government of Perm region and the administration of the Gubakha’s urban district, seriously invests in the development of the UCTC. A multifunctional center of applied qualifications in the field of "Chemical technologies", a specialized center of competence "Repair of process equipment for chemical production plants" were created, a new stadium was built, the college museum was radically renewed. This is an important part of our HR strategy. In addition, all these projects finally work for the development of our town, - stated the Head of the personnel management department of the PJSC “Metafrax”, Chairman of the Duma of the Gubakha’s urban district, Mr. Alexey Mazlov.