Metafrax will adjust salaries

As a part of the 2019 budget adoption, the PJSC Metafrax Board of Directors will approve the decision to increase the salaries of all the company employees by 5%. They will be increased starting from January 1, 2019.
Moreover, the company's employees are paid with the 13th salary and provided with all social payments as per the Collective Agreement.
- The basis of our personnel policy is a comprehensive staff motivation. To do this, we must provide our employees with competitive salary. For the first 9 months of 2018, the average salary has been increased by 4% compared to the last year. Today, it is almost a quarter higher than the average wage in the Kama region, - commented Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman.
- We have found a careful approach to the solution of this matter in order to make an optimal and balanced decision. Metafrax is a socially-oriented company. The salary increase became possible due to implementation of all production and financial indicators in 2018. The adjustment value was determined on the basis of the average region salary analysis and the current situation in the labor market, - said Vladimir Daut, Metafrax General Director.
Metafrax pays special attention to social, personnel and youth policy. As part of the Collective Agreement, Metafrax tries to provide maximum social guarantees, both for the present and former company’s employees:
The company's social package and charity expenses exceed 200 million rubles annually.
Armen Garslyan: We intend to continue working on improving the workers’ and their families’ life quality, improving urban infrastructure, supporting health, education, sports and culture in the towns of Kizel Coal Basin.