Metafrax Disclosed a Recipe for Success

A Right Strategy Is a Basis of Success
According to the results of 2016, for the first time, company Metafrax produced the commodity output for the value more than 17 billion Rubles, it is 512 million Rubles more than in 2015. Despite the difficult economic situation in the country and the export methanol price drop, our specialists achieved very high results.
– The previous year tested us out, it made us work in the low production cost condition. We even had to protect our personnel by changing the labour payment conditions and guarantying the well-deserved income. Since 2003, we had been annually passed our budget; this is our production activity law. But after the 2008 crisis, we had to adjust it taking in account the reality of the market and the geopolitics difficulties. It helped us to implement our scheduled plans and shore up our position at the market. – Said Viktor Mayer, First Deputy General Director of company Metafrax.
In the last year, the finished product realization volume dynamics has got a positive trend. For the first time, this value was 17 billion 423 million rubles, which was 1.15 billion rubles higher than in 2015. More than third of the production of the company had been sent to export.
- Recently, the steady export methanol cost growth dynamics came into view against revival of the Russian and foreign market and the ruble strengthening. Today, we state that we have the contracts for our main production kinds. Besides, in Russia, we can outdo anyone when it comes to the methanol conversion rate: in Gubakha, we can process 340 thousand tons of the product, it is a third of our production volume. Therefore, we can stand the crisis and increase our presence in the market due to our proper development strategy. At its very core, there is the main product conversion rate and adaptation of new developments to produce the high-margin products. – Vladimir Daut, General Director, cleared up the basis of success of the company.
People are the Main Assets of Company
In the company, the special attention is given to the social, personnel and youth policy. In the framework of the Five-Year Personnel Training Program, the company sends dozens of young specialists to the universities annually. Being one of the dual education system founders in the Perm Region, Metafrax has been training the workers in the Gubakha Chemical Engineering College for more than ten years.
In 2016, company social expenses had reached their record value of 184 million Rubles. The money was transferred for the social objects development, privileges, allowances, medical insurance and personnel training. More than 19 million rubles had been spent to acquire the resort tickets for the company workers and their children.
In the framework of the Housing Program, the three-floored building had been constructed on Lenin Street, Gubakha, and the two nine-floored buildings construction has begun.The employees redeem the flats by instalment or rent them with the following redeem.
– According to the Collective Labour Agreement, Metafrax pays 80% of the resort tickets cost and the company dispensary pays 90% of the health and recreation resort to the employees. – Added Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director for Personnel And Social Issues.
Air And River Became Cleaner
– Nature protection is our priority. We check the environmental situation, carry-out the air and water state analysis, define the nature protection actions effect. In 2016, we transferred 15 million Rubles for the treatment units modernization. The decreasing of the effluents is not the company work statistics; it is the people life quality in our land. – Said Vladimir Daut.
Investments are Milestone in the History
In the last year, the company increased its investment program realization pace. This program can become the important milestone in the history in the company technical development. The key event was start of construction of the chemical complex “Ammonia-Urea-Melamine” at the company site in Gubakha.
- We estimate the realization of the project based on the unique Casale Group (Switzerland) technology for 700 million Euros. By the way, in 2016, the investment program was different in terms of great accession rate: comparing to 2015, the investing rate increased for more than quarter, it reached 3.6 billion Rubles. – Said Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman.
In the framework of the investment program, the company updated its transport park by acquiring more than 130 innovative railway cisterns. Besides, the second stage of the methanol unit technical upgrading has begun to increase its capacity up to 3375 tons per day. The successful construction finishing of the second concentrated formalin production unit with capacity up to 90 thousand tons per day became the important milestone in the technical development.The amount of 770 million Rubles was sent to the project realization. In 2016, the first stage of the water and sanitation facility revamping finished.
This year, Gubakha chemistry specialists are going to solve a lot of tasks. In the framework of the investment package, the natural gas partial oxidation unit and nitrogen and oxygen unit will be started-up. The water and sanitation facility revamping is going to go on, the cistern processing facility is going to be reequipped, the company will produce the production dipentaerythritol after the existing pentaerythritol production reequipping.