SGS Certified Metafrax for the ISO 9001:2008 compliance

According to the certification audit performed by AGA experts, the Metafrax quality management system (QMS) meets to the international standard ISO 9001:2008 requirements. The Certificate of Conformity had been issued on the 9th of February, 2016 and is valid for three years, if the compliance audits of the certification authority are successfully passed.
The methanol, formalin, urea-formaldehyde concentrate, urotropin and pentaerythritol (including micronized products), sodium formate, caprolon and granulated polyamide 6 production activities are included into the certification.
Viktor Mayer, Executive Director, First Deputy General Director of JSC Metafrax: “The quality management system is a well-oiled machine of the entire company functioning that provides only the high-quality products manufacturing. As the result of successful QMS implementation, our company has become an owner of the international standard ISO 9001 Certificate of Conformity that provides specific advantages in the battle for the sales market and additional force of attraction to foreign and Russian investors”.
Aleksandr Mikhailov, representative of PJSC Metafrax quality management system senior executives: The SGS audit is very valuable as the auditors pointed out the positive moments found during our QMS inspection and prepared their comments for the improvement, and it helped us to define the directions for the further quality system development.
Dmitriy Nikitin, head of the Central Branch of JSC SGS Vostok Limited (SGS Group): “The number of the factors helped Metafrax to pass the certification procedure successfully. First, it was the management’s professional attitude to the QMS and the personnel involvement. The standard requirements had been worked-out in detail and explained to the employees, we involved the resources necessary for the real management system functioning. We also need to point-out the professional work of internal auditors of the company”.
SGS Group is a world leader in the control, expertize, test and certification market. It was founded in 1878 and today it is recognized as the benchmark of quality and business ethics. More than 85 000 employees work for SGS network that has more than 1 800 offices and laboratories all over the world with the headquarter situated in Geneva, Switzerland.
JSC Metafrax is an internationally famous standard-bearer of the Russian organic chemistry market. It is the biggest chemical production exporter that has the overall export share of approximately 40%. The delivery geography of the company includes the head company JSC Metafrax (Gubakha, Perm Region), Metadynea, Ltd. – formaldehyde and synthetic resins production (Perm and Moscow regions), Metadynea Austria - formaldehyde and synthetic resins production (Krems, Austria), JSC Karbolit - synthetic resins and plastic production (Moscow Region). According to IFRS, the joint profit of the Group of Companies Metafrax exceeds 40 billion roubles.
The companies produce methanol, formaline, pentaerythritol and urotropine, urea-formaldehyde concentrate (UFC), synthetic resins, packaged and granulated polyamide, sodium formate, etc. Company’s annual investments to the production revamping and modernization make more than one and half billion roubles.