Metafrax Strengthened Its Positions in the Strongest Twenty

In the annual TOP 300 Largest Companies of the Perm Krai 2015 rating, prepared by Business Class magazine, company Metafrax took the 13th place increasing its position by 5 points.
Traditionally, the key factor that became a basis for the rating is a profit from goods, production, work and service realization. Also, the companies rating was made according to such financial and economic factors as profit before taxation, total balance, working and fixed assets, capital and reserves.
According to the experts estimation, 2015 had demonstrated some TOP 300 companies total turnover decreasing (-1% or 14.8 billion roubles). In the end, according to the 2015 results, the total sales profit amount made 1 trillion 543.5 billion roubles.
The profit growth decreasing tendency can be noticed in the TOP 20 largest representatives of the rating. After 2014 growth (+7%, or 105 billion roubles), in 2015, the profit had decreased (by 2%, or 17.7 billion roubles) and, according to the year results, made 994.2 billion roubles. The share of the Twenty in the general rating remained almost unchanged – 64.4%.
The industrial membership of the TOP 300 Largest Companies of the Perm Krai has been unchanged for several years. The leader is the process industry (116 companies), companies of this industry have a half of the overall TOP 300 profit. The next is the wholesale and retail business (80 companies) and the construction (23 companies).
Compared to 2014, in 2015, Metafrax demonstrated the profit growth by 23%. The company had risen to the 13th place with the value of 16 billion 643 million roubles.
Unlike the two previous years, in 2015, the joint financial result decreasing had stopped. During this year, the summarized profit of the TOP 300 Largest Companies of the Perm Krai had increased by 57% (+ 69.8 billion roubles). Metafrax had also demonstrated the value growth increasing the profit by 52.6%, or 2.95 billion roubles, comparing to 2014, and remained to be on the fifth position in the TOP 20 in terms of the profit before taxation.
In 2015, the general sales profitability of the TOP 300 increased by 2% and made 12.5% according to the year results. From all of the rating members, only four companies managed to get in the rating with their profitability, and Metafrax had become one of them. The company took the fourth place with the index of 51.5%.
As for the rest financial factors, in 2015, the company had also demonstrated positive dynamics. Metafrax took the 5th place total balance factor was 29 billion 14 million roubles; it also took the 5th place for the fixed assets of 14 billion 19 million roubles; the 6th place for the working assets of 994 million roubles; 4th place for the capital and reserves of 24 billion 845 million roubles.