“Metafrax” is one of the “Best Energy Effective Enterprises of Western Urals”

Association of Power Engineering in Western Urals in cooperation with Ministry of Power Engineering, Housing and Utility Sector, and Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Science of Perm Krai summed up the results of the 16th contest for titles "Best Energy Effective Enterprise" and "Best Power Engineer". The main criteria for nominees' selection in 2012 was lowering power capacity of GDP and increasing of marketability of products, introduction of new technologies and strong power-saving policy.
The names of contest winners were announced on the Conference of Power Engineers which was held in Perm from 20th to 21st of February.
The title of "Best Energy Effective Enterprise" was given to "Metafrax", "Sibur-Khimprom" and "Solikamsk Magnesium Plant". Chief power engineers of these enterprises - Alexander Syomin, Andrey Kokarev and Vyacheslav Danilenko - won the contest "Best Power Engineer 2012".
Experts say that these enterprises achieved the increase in production while decreasing power usage. The winners received diplomas and prizes.