Metafrax is in TOP-400 of the biggest companies in Urals and Western Siberia

Analytical centre "Expert-Ural" published the results of the 13th rating of 400 biggest companies in Urals and Western Siberia called "Top-400". The annual rating is used to determine the largest companies in Tumen, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Kurgan and Perm regions as well as Bashkortostan and Udmurtia.
Main characteristic for this rating is still annual sales volume. The rating used data from the Federal Statistics Service, corporate website data and different polls. The rating was also approved by "PricewaterhouseCoolers Audit".
According to the result of this rating Metafrax entered the top 150 companies and placed 8th in chemical industry section. In 2012 our company's sales increased by more than 20%, exceeding 11 billion roubles. Total growth amounted at 48% according to the rating.