Metafrax again won the contest “100 best Russian goods”

Hexamine of the technical grade С produced by Metafrax Chemicals is recognized as the winner of the All-Russian competition "100 best Russian goods ".
In the meeting room of the Perm region administration on 16 December was held an award ceremony for the winners of the federal stage of 25th contest for the program “100 best Russian goods”.
In the category “Production and technical purpose product” JSC Metafrax Chemicals was recognized as the contest winner for hexamine of the technical grade C. Apart from that, deputy government head of Perm region, chairman of the region quality committee Alexey Chibisov recognized with a badge of honor “For achievements in quality” Metafrax Chemicals general director Vladimir Daut. Awards at the ceremony on behalf of the company were received by the company central production laboratory head Anatoly Pushkarev.
In general, at the ceremony 15 items of Perm region products and services received the title of winner, 19 received their diplomas. The event was attended by the representatives of the Perm region Ministry of Industry and Trade, Federal State-Funded Institution “State regional center of standardization, metrology and tests in Perm region”, members of the regional quality committee, the contests participants, media representatives.
Since the contest began, on the federal level more than 850 Perm region companies have participated, which represented 1320 items of products and services.