Metafrax for good

Metafrax received the Diploma of Conference IV "Charity in the Urals".
For the 4th time the annual conference "Charity in the Urals" took place in Ekaterinburg, organized by the analytical center and business magazine "Expert-Urals". Every year this unique discussion area gathers top figures of companies dealing with charity programs, leaders of charity funds, authority and business representatives, independent experts.
Along with the key conference topics - charity in the Urals, the best Russian and regional practices of charity activity - special attention was paid to the development of corporate volunteering in the country and our region.
The large research project "Charity in the Urals", where Metafrax participated as well, was summarized during the conference. On the base of its results Metafrax was awarded a Diploma for transparency and contribution to spread of successful practices of charity work.
In total there were 24 companies and charity funds of the Ural Federal District that participated in the research. All the respondents to a survey implement more than 120 charity programs, the budget of which exceeded 3.4 milliard Rubles in 2013.