Metafrax is Among Leaders in Mentoring

Metafrax Chemicals was among the winners of the regional competition "Best Mentoring Practices in the Perm Territory 2024". According to the regional Ministry of Industry and Trade, this year 9 enterprises of the Kama region participated in the competition, which is held within the framework of the national project "Labor Productivity".
Yelena Bolotova, Head of HR at JSC Metafrax Chemicals:
30% of our company's staff are young people, which is quite a lot. Of course, we’re interested in their professional development and expertise increase. You can't do without mentors here, and what’s important is that there’re also many talented and ambitious young workers among them. We encourage and develop this movement, including through the mechanisms of a lean production system, the involvement of its leaders participating in the development of personnel in dedicated areas.
As per results of the competition, Metafrax Chemicals took the third place in the nomination "Professional Development of Young People", sharing it with Kungursky Meat Processing Plant LLC. Uralbumaga LLC took the second place in the nomination, and Kairos Engineering took the first place. LUKOIL-PERM LLC won in the nomination "Best Mentoring Practices for Improving Labor Productivity".
Metafrax gained its first experience of lean production in 2019, when the company joined the implementation of activities for the national project "Labor Productivity". The practices developed at that time formed the basis for the company's next project to implement a lean production system, which started in February 2023.
The competition "Best Mentoring Practices" is held in the Perm Territory for the fourth time on the initiative from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation within the framework of the national project "Labor Productivity". The aim of the project is to search for and popularize the best mentoring practices at Russian enterprises that contribute to the expertise development of employees, increase labor productivity and form an effective corporate culture of production, as well as promote the replication and popularization of successful mentoring experience. As of today, 137 companies of the Kama region have joined the national project.