"Metafrax" became one of the golden employers of Russia

The holding received three "gold" awards at once in the authoritative rating from Forbes.
The examination of the best employers of Russia is conducted by Forbes annually for the fourth time. The rating developers took into account the growth of the ESG agenda influence in the world by combining the metrics by which companies were evaluated into three groups: "Ecology" (E), "Employees and Society" (S) and "Corporate Governance" (G). In the 2022 rating, the main focus was given to social parameters, for example, the presence of well-being policies of companies, which go beyond the usual benefits package, was assessed. As in 2021, the participants were divided into four groups: "Platinum", "Gold", "Silver" and "Bronze", depending on the points scored. 118 companies were included in the rating.
"Metafrax" received "gold" in all metric groups, thereby confirming the status of a reliable and conscientious employer. It should be noted that in 2021 the company also entered the rating, having received the "silver" status. Therefore, the positive trend of "Metafrax's" ESG indicators has been recorded.
In 2022, significant qualitative changes took place in the implementation of the ESG initiatives of "Metafrax Group". At the beginning of the year, as per decision of the Board of Directors, a work group was created, which engaged in the systematic implementation of ESG principles in the operation of the holding’s companies based on the most successful cases and expert recommendations. In September of 2022, "Metafrax" published a report on sustainable development for 2021, which reflected the company's activities in the areas of ecology, industrial safety, labor protection, social policy and corporate management. The presentation of a unique mono-brand for the unified positioning of the holding's ESG initiatives took place at the VII Perm Engineering and Industrial Forum.