Metafrax will build new formalin plant

On April 3, in Moscow, PJSC Metafrax and Norwegian company Dynea AS signed a contract for the construction of a 55% formalin production unit in Gubakha.
The formalin plant will be integrated with the paraformaldehyde production complex (paraform) under technology of GEA group of companies. The capacity of the plants will be 180 thousand tons of 55% formalin and 30 thousand tons of paraform per year. The project is worth more than 5.2 billion rubles and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2021.
- The equipment production time is 14 months. The start of the plant is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2021, - said Vladimir Daut. - Formalin, produced at the new plant, will be used as a raw material for the paraform production. It is important that Metafrax will become the only producer of paraformaldehyde in Russia.
With the commissioning of the plant, the total production capacity of 55% formalin will be 450 thousand tons per year. The volume of internal methanol processing at Gubakha site will reach 450 thousand tons per year.
“The companies of Metafrax group in Russia and Austria totally consume over 600 thousand tons of methanol per year,” said Vladimir Daut. - As part of the company's development strategy by 2030, our internal demand for methanol will reach 800 thousand tons.
On February 14th, in the framework of Russian Investment Forum, Metafrax and GEA (Denmark) signed a contract for the development of the project and the supply of equipment for the plant of paraformaldehyde (paraform) at the Metafrax production site in the city of Gubakha, Perm region.