Metafrax is Building New Houses For Its Employees

In the framework of the long-term development strategy and the production need for qualified personnel, Metafrax intends to build six nine-floored multifamily houses in Gubakha in the nearest future.
According the carried-out housing design/build tender results, the winner was Termodom-Stroy. In June, 2018, the general contractor intends to put up two multi-floor buildings, and four more in the following years. To build two nine-floored multifamily houses, Metafrax will channel about 300 million roubles.
In the framework of the housebuilding, the gas heating boiler station construction is planned. According to the tender results, this work will be performed by Perm company Amicon-Project-Stroy. More than 23 million roubles are to be given for this purpose. 10 months is given by the project to build the 6 MW boiler station.
This year, the company will start the design and survey work for the buildings, the boiler station, the gas-line construction and the underground phase for the two houses and the boiler station.
Rashid SHAKIROV, Deputy General Director for Personnel And Social Issues:
- In the nearest years, Metafrax shall employ about 400 new workers to different positions and workplaces. It is expected that the most of them are young people with families who are interested in acquiring of flats and improvement of their living conditions. And we’ll provide them with this opportunity on easy terms in exchange for their conscientious and long service for our company.