“The capacity utilization of Metafrax and its subsidiaries is approaching the maximum level, so we are actively working to expand them. The increase of the volumes of its own formalin production in the Moscow region will make the site less dependent on th

Metafrax Group took the 72nd position in the rating of the largest exporters of Russia according to the results of 2017, published by the business paper “Expert”, having doubled its position: the Group was on the 153rd position by the end of 2016. The Group was ranked second among the enterprises of the Kama region.
The group's exports in 2017 reached $ 391.6 million, the share of exports in revenue exceeded 50%. For comparison, the export volume of Metafrax Group in 2016 amounted to 77.8 million dollars.
"In 2017, the methanol export situation was favorable, which allowed us to increase export sales and attract significant third-party volumes. We learned to respond more quickly to fluctuations in both the domestic and export markets, and also achieved some success in optimizing our logistics, which allowed us to minimize unforeseen expenses and make export parity more predictable. As for macroeconomic factors, export is favored by overall economic growth, increased consumption of some of the products derivatives (in particular, for methanol - the consumption of formalin, MTBE, olefins, DME, acetic acid ", - said Vasily Mikhailov, a representative of Metadynea Trading company.