Metafrax became a partner of the Perm engineering and industrial forum

Technical assignment for new industrialisation is the main results of the engineering and industrial forum held on November 6-7 at the Perm fair.
Engineering and industrial forum held in Perm that involved federal experts and establishment representatives not only stated the level of economic development in the region but also defined a cooperation vector for both education establishments of the region and traditionally strong industrial segment in Perm region, including chemical industry.
One can say that engineering forum defined "the technical requirement" for the new industrialization in Russia. In particular, there are some solutions proposed to solve such problems as lack of qualified engineers and modernization of production. There are already some own programs working in the region that were appreciated on the federal level.
Mikhail BABICH, RF Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to Privolzhsky Federal District:
- Today everybody is busy with preparation and further development of young scientists. Perm region today is a leader in this field. This experience will be used and useful for the whole country.
The lack of engineers is a pressing matter for most sectors. The modern system of preparation of high-demand young specialists got the name «dual education». In the soviet time there was an institute of mentoring that helped manage this task as well as a state order for graduates distribution. The experience of the past was adapted to realias of today's life. Nowadays, coming to the plant, a young specialist works under experienced employee, takes an individual training course on preparation and development. Thus, an educational establishment and an enterprise jointly prepare a specialist according to a business order.
Most of the forum was devoted to the dual education system. Its prototype in Perm region was created more than 10 years ago by JSC Metafrax top management. Alongside a powerful modernization program there was a system started for preparation of competent staff for high technology production. Exactly at that time the Ural Chemical and Technological College was opened in Gubakha. One could read about it at the company mount when VIP guests headed by Olga Golodets, Deputy federal government, were walking around the exhibit display.
ARMEN GASLYAN, Board Chairman of JSC Metafrax:
- Creation of the Ural Chemical and Technological College on the basis of the Technical school was not easy. At that time educational establishments were closed throughout the country. Today the system works successfully, graduates of UCTC are indeed of high demand. 630 college graduates of different years work at Metafrax - this is almost the third part of the whole personnel. This is the best indication of real effectiveness of dual education system.
The preparation of main personnel of the company starts at school: there are academic competitions for school children in their regions, the infrastructure of the educational establishments is improved. There are computer classes and chemical laboratories at school.
A future chemist is followed at all stages: field trips, occupational guidance, development of joint curriculum. The core specialists at the enterprise are invited lecturers of field-oriented subjects at college.
Mikhail VOROSHILOV, the operator of conversion at JSC Metafrax methanol production plant and invited teacher of UCTC shared his experience in dual education during forum:
- I teach at the college from January 2010 with great pleasure. For me this is an opportunity for professional growth and communication with potential employees. The cooperation works well: most of our trainees, graduates from UCTC, already work at the plant or in the company group. And employment of students takes place before they finish college, which meets their needs making a flexible curriculum.
After finishing UTCT like after finishing school a young specialist has a real chance to graduate from higher education institutions with the profession-oriented speciality.
The company cooperation with high education institutions suppose three party contracts on students education, today it's about 100 people who study with Metafrax support .
Agreements signed between the company and education institutions and faculties provide for serious research and development activity.
All this joint work aims at providing the company with qualified personnel with an opportunity to plan staff need for a long-run period.
It means the shortage issue of highly-qualified technical personnel can be successfully solved in case of cooperation between business, education institutions and local authorities. Support from the federal center is one of the key factors of effectiveness, what was confirmed by RF Minister of Energy, Alexander NOVAK, under the frame of the forum:
- I would like to thank the governor Victor Basargin for arranging this forum. Personnel preparation is a very topical issue. I hope companies, enterprises and high education institutions will share their experience during discussions at the forum - how to combine an order and industry needs in highly-qualified personnel. As well as to receive concrete proposals allowing us to solve this task to the best advantage.