Metafrax ordered 100 reservoir trucks from UWC for methanol transportation

Research and Production Corporation United Wagon Company, in the framework of developing of cooperation with the largest methanol manufacturer PJSC Metafrax, will provide it with 100 new generation 15-6880 reservoir trucks. The entire batch will be provided to the customer by May 2019.
Previously, Metafrax had already acquired reservoirs of this model. Currently, there are more than 400 units of 1-T and Tpr size in the methanol manufacturer's park. The railway equipment has proven itself in operation and due to this fact the decision on purchase of an additional batch was made.
15-6880 reservoir truck is equipped with a running gear with an axle load of 25 ton-force, it has an increased carrying capacity of 73 tons and a boiler capacity of 88 m3. Due to such technical characteristics, an additional increase in truck loading can be up to 2 tons compared to the most common typical analogue in the network, while maintaining the standard length of the reservoir, which increases the methanol transportation efficiency. Thus, additional 160 tons of cargo can be transported in one train of 80 trucks manufactured by UWC. This means that it is possible to reduce the necessary reservoir park and the terminal operations cost.
In addition, the reservoir reinforcement metal protective cover ensures an easy operation and security of cargo from unauthorized access during transportation. Design of the boiler with broken axle allows to achieve the maximum complete drain.
Igor Chukreev, Head of Transport Division, PJSC Metafrax: “As part of the business development strategy, the company intends to significantly increase its production and sales by 2030. Separately, the investments budget provides for the transport infrastructure improvement and the step-by-step renovation of the railway fleet. Metafrax chooses reservoirs for HVAC produced methanol transportation because of their high efficiency".
Model 15-6880 was developed by the All-Union Research and Development Center for Transport Technologies and has been produced at TikhvinChemMash plant since 2016. According to expert assessments, methanol transportation reservoirs are extremely in demand over the next five years due to the significant amount of expired park withdrawals and increase of chemical plants production capacity.