"Metafrax" has registered new trademarks

As part of the procedure for introducing a new brand, in September 2019 "Metafrax" filed an application for trademark registration of: «МЕТАФРАКС ГРУПП» and "METAFRAX GROUP". The trademarks were published on the Rospatent website on April 16th. The company plans to start labeling products with a new trademark in the near future. Work is underway to register the "METAFRAX GROUP" trademark abroad.
The trademark passed all the necessary checks for "freedom-to-operate" as a result of which the company has received two Certificates issued by the Federal service for intellectual property (Rospatent).
Thus, "Metafrax" obtained the right to use the trademarks for labelling chemical products, polyamide, advertising purposes, and other products according to the International Classification of goods and services.
Trademark registration guarantees Metafrax that third parties will not use the «МЕТАФРАКС ГРУПП» and "METAFRAX GROUP" trademarks. For consumers, the presence of these trademarks is a guarantee of the delivered products' quality. Since 2015, the quality management system of PJSC "Metafrax" has been certified for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 international standard.
The company is also working to register the "METAFRAX GROUP" trademark abroad in more than 40 countries, including the United States, Europe, and Asia. The procedure is expected to take from 1.5 to 5 years.
"Metafrax" has started the implementation of the new brand in September 2019. Its creation was carried out for a year and a half. The unified brand is designed to not only position "Metafrax" in the target markets correctly, but also to implement its own philosophy: mission, values, and vision of the future. "Metafrax Group" became a single trademark of the holding.