A third formalin plant is being built at "Metafrax"

The new 55% formalin plant (CF-3) is designed to replace the obsolete units that have already been decommissioned. It is designed to provide high-quality raw materials for the paraformaldehyde plant, which is planned for construction, as well as for the production of urea-formaldehyde resins at the production facility of "Metadynea".
- In April of 2019 we have signed a contract with the technology licensor – the Norwegian company Dynea AS – for the construction of a concentrated formalin plant with a capacity of 180 thousand tons of 55% product. Currently, all permits and expert examinations have been obtained. We will implement the project with a total cost of more than 2 billion rubles by the end of this year, - said Vladimir Daut, General Director of "Metafrax" PJSC.
The Main Department of State Expert Examination issued a positive conclusion regarding the project for the construction of a capital construction facility on a plot of land with an area of 1486 sq. m. A positive conclusion of the main environmental expert organization was also obtained. On the basis of these documents, the Gubakha administration issued a construction permit.
"Altex-Stroy", the company from Nizhny Novgorod, became the general contractor. The builders started the construction of the facility within the approved schedule. The CF-3 plant includes a unit for the production of 55% formalin as well as auxiliary facilities: a thermal oxidizer, a water cycle cooling tower with a pump house and a pipe rack for material feed lines.
With the new plant reaching its design capacity, the volume of methanol processing into products with a higher margin capacity at the Gubakha site will reach 450 thousand tons per year.
Read more in the corporate newspaper "Chemistry without Borders" through the link.