Metafrax Has Almost Finished the Concentrated Formalin Unit Construction

Metafrax by efforts of company Megastroy finishes the construction of the largest low-methanol product unit.
The modern equipment is delivered in Gubakha by company Johnson Matthey Formox; its representative controlled the construction workflow. And thought the scheduled deadline is in three months, the commissioning can be started earlier.
- In general, the object is ready: all equipment was assembled. – Announced Sergey Volochai, Project Manager, to Armen Garslyan, Metafrax Board of Directors Chairman, and Vladimir Daut, General Director, arrived to the site. – The instruments and automatic equipment are assembled, the heat-insulation work is performed. Then we scheduled the site improvements.
The unit will produce 90 thousand ton of the formalin per year. It will provide the growing phenolformaldehyde resin production needs at the Metadinea, Ltd. equipment and at the pentaerythritol production.